in a lather

Slang definitions & phrases for in a lather

in a lather

adjective phrase

Angry; upset; in a sweat: this business of your being in a lather about it/ The editors say they are not in a lava over the coincidence

[1828+; fr the resemblance between an agitated sweat, esp the frothy sweat of horses, and frothy washing lather thought of as the result of vigorous agitation; found by 1660 in the form lavour]

Idioms and Phrases with in a lather

in a lather

Also, in a state. Agitated and anxious, as in Don't get yourself in a lather over this, or She was in a state over the flight cancellation. The first term alludes to the frothy sweat of a horse, the second to an upset state of mind. [ Early 1800s ]
For a synonym, see in a stew